Taste & texture

The eating experiences consumers have in mind when they purchase their favorite foods are all about the tastes and flavors they want to return to again and again. Corbion expertise can play an important part in manufacturers’ ability to deliver what they expect every time.

Our organic acid-based solutions help confectioners create the unique flavor and sourness profiles that attract candy lovers, while preventing the textural problems caused by sugar inversion. In preserved fruits and vegetables, our lactic acid offers a better alternative for boosting both flavor and firmness.

Our flavor enhancement solutions for refrigerated foods offer a more subtle impact compared to some traditional alternatives, and are particularly good at highlighting specific savory notes in these applications. And the makers of savory snacks can look to us for help in improving both taste and crispiness, even while reducing acrylamide levels in their products.

Learn how Corbion solutions can make it easier for you to deliver taste and flavor that will keep your customers coming back for more. Contact us for more information.

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