Solutions for refrigerated foods

Refrigerated food products are among the food industry’s biggest success stories in recent years, as consumers increasingly value their diversity, convenience, and suitability for different eating occasions, from breakfast to dinnertime. With growth outpacing both frozen and ambient categories, there are significant opportunities for the makers of chilled food items; the market is expected to expand at a 5.5% CAGR between 2021 and 2026*. Partnering with Corbion can help you make the most of those opportunities to develop the refrigerated food successes of tomorrow.

Designed to be all-natural and label-friendly, our ingredient solutions for refrigerated foods keep your products looking and tasting delicious longer. Manufactured under strict environmental controls, these fermentation-based ingredients help you avoid a dependence on artificial preservatives while effectively protecting your chilled food products against human pathogens like Listeria.  
Ingredients such as our PuraQ® Arome also help you achieve sodium reduction without sacrificing all-important flavor. Plus, in products like mashed potatoes, rice, and pasta, where maintaining optimum taste and texture is crucial, solutions in our Verdad® portfolio can make a profound difference.  
Discover more about your products’ potential for longer shelf life and better food safety when you explore Corbion’s solutions for refrigerated foods. Get in touch for more information today.

*Chilled Processed Food Market | 2021 - 26 | Industry Share, Size, Growth - Mordor Intelligence

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