Health and safety

At Corbion, we believe no job is so important that it cannot be done safely and with minimal environmental impact.

Safety is our priority

We aim to create a safe and healthy workplace with zero incidents.

Corbion leadership and employees are committed to achieving a zero incident culture and to continuously improve our safety and environmental performance. We foster an open and transparent culture by encouraging all employees to report, amongst others, all near misses and events in order to continuously improve our safety and environmental performance.

Our commitment to achieve a zero incident culture is based on our core beliefs:

  • Environment, health, and safety is everyone's concern

  • Safe behaviors prevail over business priorities

  • We protect ourselves and our colleagues from unsafe situations

  • Everybody should feel free to speak up

  • Management leads by example

  • Continuous improvement of our Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) performance is essential

  • We hold ourselves accountable

  • We actively engage with our contractors

Our activities are supported by a management system that includes policies, procedures, training, and feedback, which ascertain that we comply with laws and regulations applicable to our operations and act in accordance with our company standards and codes. Our EHS framework clarifies the specific responsibilities of the local sites versus the global EHS platform.

To move toward a zero incident workplace, we conducted a Safety Culture assessment in 2020. The results will be translated into a Safety Excellence program. We also continue to focus on implementing ISO 45001 at all sites and the roll out of our 10 Corbion Safety Rules. By the end of 2020, 6 manufacturing sites were ISO 45001 or OSHAS certified, representing about 78% of Corbion's production volume. Four sites were ISO 14001 certified, representing about 57% of Corbion's production volume.

Click here to review our Environmental, Health, and Safety Policy

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Sprouts growing from brown dirt.