Protecting fruits and vegetables

As healthier lifestyles become a priority for a growing number of consumers, demand for quality fresh fruits and vegetables continues to rise.

As healthier lifestyles become a priority for a growing number of consumers, demand for quality fresh fruits and vegetables continues to rise. In fact, sales of fresh fruit are expected to grow by nearly 5% CAGR* between 2021 and 2028, and vegetables aren't far behind, with growth projections exceeding 4.6%**. But ensuring that produce remains in pristine condition from plant to plate isn't easy in today's global supply chain.

Keeping fruits and vegetables fresh, tasty, visually appealing, and safe tops the priority list for Corbion customers. That's why we offer help in tackling common issues such as fruit contamination, extending shelf life, and ensuring safety with our lactic acid-based solutions.

Our innovative flagship product, PURAC® lactic acid, enables reliable decontamination and helps prevent the effects of product spoilage, including changes in color, enzymatic browning, and impacts that compromise taste and texture.

From cultivation to retail shelves and all the way to home kitchens, Corbion preservation ingredients help maintain an optimum level of natural microbes, safeguarding your products to ensure consumers can enjoy the freshest, tastiest produce possible.

Contact our Corbion experts today to learn more about how our fruit and vegetable preservation ingredients can help you extend shelf life and avoid product waste.


*Statista Market Forecast – Fresh Fruits Worldwide
*Statista Market Forecast – Fresh Vegetables Worldwide

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