Shelf life extension for produce

Rapid deterioration of freshly harvested fruits and vegetables can lead to product loss, decreased sales, and customer satisfaction problems for commercial producers. From harvesting through packing and transport, diminished sensory and microbial quality equates to diminished profits, so preservative solutions that keep produce fresh longer play a significant part in growers' success.

However, with more and more consumers adopting a sustainability mindset when shopping for foods, including produce, moving away from artificial preservation solutions towards more natural alternatives can help increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Corbion and its PURAC® portfolio answer that market need with safe, effective, and natural lactic acid-based solutions. Applying our blends of organic acids to your fresh produce as part of the product wash (flume) immediately after harvesting protects your fruits or vegetables so they arrive on the shelf fresh and safe to eat.

For fruits and vegetables in brine or any other preservation liquid, our lactic acid solutions help control pH without imparting the sour taste associated with traditional acidulants like vinegar.

With help from Corbion preservation experts and ingredient solutions, you can keep your fruit and vegetable produce fresh and beautiful longer using natural organic acids that won't impact their taste or the environment. Achieving longer shelf life in this way allows you to create happier customers and stronger business results.

Talk to the experts at Corbion and find out how we can help keep your products looking and tasting great longer.

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