Solutions for pet food safety

For pet owners, preserving what matters means ensuring the health and safety of their beloved dogs and cats. Protecting the pet foods and treats you manufacture from pathogen risks using natural, human-grade ingredient solutions created by experienced preservation experts is important to cultivating trusting relationships with your customers. When you have Corbion on your side, you have everything you need to make sure your products stay fresh and safe. We can help you successfully apply the optimal antimicrobial solution for products in a range of pet food applications.

When we design a pathogen protection solution, we go beyond controlling the outgrowth of harmful bacteria – we consider the entire food matrix and the effect our ingredients have on other aspects of product quality and performance. Our deep understanding of food systems allows us to meet your food safety goals without compromising product flavor, texture, extrudability, release, or other key attributes.


The "go to" experts

Over the past 90+ years, Corbion has gained a level of expertise in formulation, processing, preservation, and food safety that very few can rival. Our human-grade, renewable, naturally derived ingredient solutions can give you a competitive edge in today’s ever-changing pet food space. When you partner with Corbion, we’ll use our portfolio and capabilities to help you overcome a range of challenges, including:
  • Maintaining or improving product texture
  • Extending shelf life with flavor-neutral options
  • Enhancing pet food safety while enhancing flavor
  • Optimizing formulations for a range of pH values
  • Creating solutions for dry, wet, baked, and refrigerated applications
  • Offering preservation solutions for higher-moisture formulations
  • Reducing product purge
  • Leveraging predictive modeling to quickly find your optimal solution and increase your speed to market
The optimal food safety solution for your product must factor in your processing, formulation, and preservation goals to create an environment that inhibits or delays the growth of Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium botulinum, and Salmonella, among other threats. Our preservation experts have the knowledge and experience it takes to help you do just that. Leverage the power of Corbion food preservation know-how. Connect with us for pet food safety solutions and technical expertise to ensure their successful implementation.
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Multiple generations around table at outdoor party.