Pathogen control in chilled foods

The popularity of refrigerated foods shows no sign of waning; after all, they provide consumers with a convenient, time-saving way to feed themselves when time is in short supply. Today's shoppers, however, demand that these products be made with recognizable, natural ingredients they can understand.

Many manufacturers are reluctant to move away from the chemical solutions they have long used to achieve the stability, spoilage control, and pathogen inhibition needed in their products. Among the many attributes – including taste, texture, and convenience – a refrigerated food product must deliver to be successful, safety is arguably the most crucial.

Produced using the nature-provided mechanism of fermentation, Corbion's lactic acid-based pathogen control ingredients for refrigerated food deliver highly effective protection from Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, and other harmful pathogens. Solutions in our PURAC® portfolio offer a powerful alternative to artificial preservatives, providing antimicrobial properties and natural acidification of your product without negatively impacting flavor – all while remaining label-friendly.

Our Verdad® portfolio of vinegar-based and fermented ingredients provide another option for naturally enhancing flavor, improving safety, and extending product shelf life. Verdad® Ovvio 410, for example, is an antimicrobial designed specifically to provide microbial control in low-pH refrigerated foods, naturally preserving your product while also boosting the savory flavors of spices and herbs.

Partnering with us also comes with access to the Corbion Listeria Control Model (CLCM), an advanced online modeling tool that predicts the inhibitory effect a specific intervention will have on the outgrowth of L. monocytogenes in your product. Leveraging the CLCM enables you to identify the right food safety solution for your refrigerated food product faster, with fewer iterations in the validation testing process, which helps reduce your R&D spend and increases your speed to market.

Talk to us about your product safety goals, and learn how Corbion can help you meet them in ways your customers will embrace. Get in touch today.

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