Predictive modeling for food safety

The integrity and freshness of your products can fall prey to pathogens and spoilage organisms almost anywhere along the value chain. But the team at Corbion has the solutions, tools, and expertise to help you hold those threats at bay.

Corbion's Listeria Control Model (CLCM) is an easy-to-use, proprietary online tool designed to streamline your product development efforts. By leveraging predictive growth modeling and data we've compiled from more than a decade of Listeria challenge studies, the CLCM projects Listeria growth over time based on your specific food product characteristics. Simply input your food type and food characteristics into the tool, and it will plot predicted Listeria growth over time. It allows you to compare the predicted efficacy of different Corbion solutions, so you are able to quickly identify the optimal solution and reduce the number of challenge studies needed to prepare for product launch.

Controlling Listeria monocytogenes in natural products with uncured formulations and higher pH can be particularly challenging. Our model enables you to efficiently identify the right preservation solution based on your food safety and shelf life requirements, and get your product to market faster.

Market-leading modeling platform

The Corbion Listeria Control Model lets you harness more than 20 years of Listeria control study data in a wide variety of applications, including cured and uncured meats, seafood, and refrigerated foods. Recent enhancements to the tool have made the job of identifying the most effective and cost-efficient Listeria control method very simple. It uses pH, water activity (Aw), salt content, and other parameters to determine the optimum antimicrobial to achieve the desired level of Listeria control, giving users a speed-to-market advantage.

Using the tool, you can quickly compare the viability of multiple solutions to determine which is optimal for your application:

  • Determine the bacteria growth rate for a given formulation

  • Reduce the number of challenge studies you need to perform

  • Eliminate failed solutions and unnecessary testing

  • Identify if no antimicrobial solution is needed


It gets better with time

Recent improvements made to the CLCM include:

  • Improved functionality to deliver more accurate predictions in products that include vinegar

  • Additional data from three more years of validation studies to provide greater robustness

  • User experience improvements that allow easier access, even on mobile devices

  • Modeling results with clear prediction lines that better describe likely outcomes based on parameters

The Corbion Listeria Control Model provides yet another advantage to partnering with us, and is another product of the extensive research and practical experience that have shaped our expertise in food safety and preservation.

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