Solutions for meat and poultry

Despite the continuing growth of plant-based meat analogs, demand for more traditional meat products remains strong. The future continues to look bright for meat producers who can deliver products that are safe, fresh, and delicious well past the point of sale, and do it on consumers' terms. When consumers insist on freshness, safety, sodium reduction, natural ingredients, and simple labeling, our in-depth knowledge of food systems can help you do it all.

When you partner with Corbion, you get market-leading expertise in food preservation and safety, manufacturing know-how, and advanced predictive modeling that helps increase your speed to market. Most importantly, you get the finished product you and your customer want, with all the flavor, texture, sensory appeal, and quality you envisioned.

Partner with us to solve your greatest challenges in:

  • Raw, fresh meats – Inhibit microbial spoilage and protect the freshness of your products.

  • Cooked meats – Control pathogens such as Listeria and Clostridium extend shelf life and improve aspects of performance like purge and yield.

  • Plant-based alternative meats – Create great-tasting products that stay fresh longer with a preservation system that balances pH, processing, packaging, and pathogen control.

  • Meat snacks – Offer your customers soft, higher-moisture meat snacks without falling prey to mold and pathogen risks.

Meat and poultry

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