The ideal acidifier for animals.

PURAC® DW 88 is our feed grade lactic acid that provides an ideal acidifier, preservative, and anti microbial in teat-dip applications for animals.

And it’s effective against mastisis.

PURAC DW 88 is valued by the farming industry for its antimicrobial properties and for a mildness that complements the delicate udder skin. It’s easily absorbed on the surface of the udder, clearing the surface of some harmful bacteria.

Teat dip to prevent mastitis

Mastitis is a threat to all dairy cows. Topical disinfection (teat dip) is widely recommended to protect against the most harmful effects of this condition. Lactic acid in combination white sodium chlorite, hydrogen peroxide, or glycerol monolaurate is effective as teat dip to control microbial growth and reduce the risk of mastitis. It also helps prevent hyperkeratosis.

Teat dip

PURAC DW 88 is a clear, transparent fluid (88% lactic acid) and is applied via a teat-dip before and after milking.

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Man in hat with green shirt walking through sugar cane farm.