Solutions for refrigerated foods

Freshness, safety, and deliciousness always top consumers' list of criteria when choosing refrigerated foods. But if those qualities are short-lived in your product, its appeal won't last long either. And if shoppers feel uncomfortable when seeing your preservative interventions in the product's ingredient list, they are more likely to check out your competitors' offerings. That's why Corbion has developed an array of high-performing, label-friendly solutions that give you a more natural way to keep your refrigerated foods safe and tasting fresh longer. We are known for our expertise in leveraging fermentation – a nature-based mechanism – to produce bio-based solutions that control human pathogens like Listeria monocytogenes and prolong the characteristics of freshness without using artificial preservatives.

We also provide ingredients, like our PuraQ® Arome, to help you reduce sodium content without compromising your product's flavor. And in products like mashed potatoes, rice, and pasta, where maintaining texture and sensory appeal is so important, the solutions in our Verdad® portfolio can make all the difference.

Learn more about the improvements in shelf life and safety that are possible when you have Corbion's expertise and advanced solutions on your side. Find information behind the links below or get in touch with a member of our team today to discuss your chilled food requirements and goals.

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