Confectionery ingredient solutions

Innovative flavors, unexpected textures, nutritional benefits – today's candy aficionados want it all. But Corbion expertise and advanced ingredient solutions help keep you ahead of the curve, creating stand-out confectionery offerings that anticipate and answer market demands. Across hard and soft candy applications, our portfolio exists to help you develop sweets with all the attributes you know will capture your customers' interest and win their loyalty.

Our buffered organic acids, for example, help you avoid the stickiness caused by sugar inversion. Our acid powders let you achieve your ultimate sour flavor profile while making sure your product will remain stable, appealing, and enjoyable. For more than a century, Corbion has been partnering with confectioners like you to create candy that consumers remember and come back to again and again.

Learn how we can help you reach your fortification, shelf life, taste, and texture goals, creating products with a 'wow' factor using our label-friendly confectionery solutions.

Explore our tailored ingredient solutions for confectioners in greater detail below.

Confectionery ingredient solutions

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